
Monday, October 17, 2016

Bits of Wisdom: Challenges

We are often faced with challenges that can either become lessons that we learn from. Or they become struggles that seek to destroy us with negativity and doubt. I have found more often than not that just by surrendering these challenges to God we can find an inner peace that allows us to over come them. The road in this life is not meant to be an easy one. But rather a road that we can learn. Giving into the negativity can only reward us with pain and sorrow. Surrendering to God in my opinion does not mean that things will get better. but it will give us the inner strength that we did not even know we had. Gives us wisdom to figure out the best path to go. Even when when the road seems most hazardous.


1 comment:

  1. Very good start, John. How long have you been writing this? I've been doing my blog, Episcopal Joy since April. Very nice job. Very wise words.
