
Monday, March 30, 2020

From the Desk: 3-29

As of this writing the world is in the grip of the dreaded Covid-19 virus. Many places are shut down. Public attendance of Mass has been suspended for the time being. With no clear information of when that will change. For the first time in a generation, in many places in the world, their will be no public celebration of Easter. It is a time of great worry. Some are upset with the Bishops decisions in all of this. I for, one, feel that they are guided by the Holy Spirit. Below is a personal reflection of my thoughts on things.

Many people feel that with the suspension of Mass that this will be the end of the church. They question the logic of the Bishops and the reasoning of various leaders. Both in the secular and of the religious. Even in the last few days I've been trying to reflect on the events of this virus and how it impacts my own life. When this crisis first started I was like many who questioned the reasoning of our leadership with in the Catholic church. As I've learned more about how evil this virus is. Along with a healthy dose of personal prayer and reflection. I come to see better what it is the Bishops are doing. The reality is that the Bishops have a burden of leadership that far outweighs the understanding that I would ever hope to have. It is a realization that what is going on is more than my own desires and wants. Rather the entire world is facing a global issue that unless contained. It will destroy all that we hope to gain.

Even if we don't like the decisions being made with in the church. No matter how we look at things. God is in control and He has His reasons for all of this. What I have come to understand is while we wait for the return to the Mass. God is calling each of us to grow deeper in the faith. To develop a passion and craving for what is important vs our own desires. I personally feel this call in my own heart. A reawakening of sorts. A desire to stand firm in the face of the storm and to take on the sacrifice that God has asked of us. Many of us have grown stagnate in our walk with Christ and our relationship with God. We sometimes get too comfortable and go though the motions when we are at Mass. I see hope that this crisis will be a wake up call the church really needs. If current events have shown us. We can no longer afford to take things for granted. With in my own life I have faced many trials that God has put me though. To test and to temper my own understanding. What separates this challenge from the others is that this is one that we are all facing together. Soon the darkness will lift and we will see things return. Till that time we just have to ride out the storm.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

From The Desk: 3/23

Many people right now feel that any time we have some kind of crisis that is it in some way God's anger being given to us. I'm not sure that is the best way to look at things. Given all that is going on right now. While indeed in the old Testament God's anger was well known. Sending His only son, Jesus Christ, changed a lot of how the world looks at God and how He guides us. So instead of seeing this as God being angry. Perhaps we need to focus more on what we can do during any kind of crisis. We can use this to draw closer to God. We need to repent of our own sins for starters. To come before God with a contrite heart. If anything that these events do is that it does break our spirits down. It reminds us of how much we need God even in the good times of our lives. We must open up our hearts and truly embrace Christ. The more we look about the world the more we realize that we, as a society, have taken far too much for granted. For the most part we live a life of total convenience while at the same time we often look down on those who are not well off. Justifying our reasons for treating people poorly. By and large we do not treat people fairly on any level. So to have our life of convenience ripped from us. That is a true wake up call that something is not right with in our hearts. This is a time for us to pause, reflect, and above all else to pray with out ceasing! We must take the extra time to come before the Lord and seek out His profound wisdom for our lives. For the entire world right now. This is an epic trial. While it feels like all hope is lost. We must use this to our own spiritual advantage. So that when the storm passes we can become stronger. That we can do more to show mercy and compassion that Christ asked of us.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What we take for granted

I think many of us, and at times myself included, have taken the Eucharist for granted. We expect to be able to receive it by going to Mass every Sunday. On the rare times when we miss we expect it when we return because it was our choice not to go. Yet to have that taken away from us. It can be soul crushing. To be denied the source and summit of the Catholic life. For some of us it can be one of the most painful things that we have ever had to take on. The problem comes from the fact that in this generation we have never had to face such a crisis before. Other than the random snow storm, for the most part, we have always had access to the Mass and to other sacraments. The other important issue that we have is that for many of us. We have lost sight or no longer believe in what the Eucharist truly is. The words of the Gospels make it clear when Christ tells us when he holds up the bread "This IS My Body!" and when he holds up the chalice "This IS My Blood!". Those words should always echo in our hearts. But for many those words and their meaning no longer make a connection. They no longer believe that the Eucharist is Christ. It is something we can work on though prayer and evangelizing. If their is any good that come out of this current storm. Is that it can allow us to open our hearts more fully to God. To help and encourage one another as to how important the Mass should be in our lives. After this storm passes we should no longer take the Mass, and by extension, the Eucharist granted. Because in this current age this could very well happen again.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Friday, March 13, 2020

Reflection 3-12 (2)

Rare or me to write more than one item in a day. However last night this was on my heart.

  I say this often. But it is something that I truly believe. "Surrender to Christ ALL things." Their have been many moments recently where this has become a reminder of that. The evil one will use every tool around to try and ruin our souls. The most vicious of ways to chip at the foundations of why we believe in Christ. We give into the fear, the anxiety, and the panic and we, for a moment, forget that God is with us always. We begin to second guess our own motivations for doing things because when we are afraid we react in ways we otherwise would not. Which is why we need to keep our faith in Christ as strong as we are able. It will temper that fear and allow us to not give into the panic. Let's face it. The world is a scary place. People and groups will use events to further their own agendas. Yet no matter what happens we must be reminded: Christ has already won the victory! He was the one who calmed seas. Surrender does not mean give up in the sense that we have failed. Surrender for me means putting total faith in Christ to give us the wisdom that can cut though the chaos of the world. To help ease the storms of panic, fear, and anxiety of world events. It is easy to give in to what the evil one wants: a total rejection of God. Yet when we "Surrender to Christ ALL things" we are also saying: Jesus I Trust In You! Amen?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Reflection 3-12

God allows storms to come into our lives to temper our strength and resolve. We can either let these storms draw us closer to the faith or we can allow it to destroy it. Many of our hearts are weak. Doubts set in and we question if God is even real. Yet though it all God always remains with us. While we may wander away. God never leaves and is always waiting for us to return home. One of the most evil things that can be done is to allow fear to derail us in our walk with Christ. To start to create internal excuses as to why we can't do something. Even going to Mass. As followers of Christ we cannot allow that to happen. We must stand firm in an ever changing world. No matter what storms go on around us. No matter what temporary sacrifices we must make. Our faith in God *must* remain strong. We must also be a light to others who will see our faith with in. Soon the storms will pass and a new day will begin. Till then we must have the courage to ride the storm out.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm