
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Can a Dream become reality?

A dream to display at the Solanus Casey Center:

Their are many places that I would love to take the Season 20 Project to. But one of the more important ones on that list is the Father Solanus Casey Center in Detroit. My reasons are a bit more personal than just the project. In many ways I have taken up his cause and have taken the time to look more into his life. I see a common connection when it comes to challenges with learning and still being able to serve God despite the challenges that he faced. Their are lessons in his life that we can all learn from. It is a place that I do want to visit to give me more of a chance to learn and to pray.

From the Project side of things. I think it would be a neat display of showing what God has done in my life. Their seems to be a lot of people in the Detroit area who would like to see my work in person. Given that I live two hours away the transportation aspect for a weekend display for the project and myself would be a bit more challenging. But one that I also feel would be rewarding. A reminder that I do not drive. Nor do I have easy transportation.  The only way for this to work out on this level is that the center would have to contact me with a direct invite. For something like this I just can't reach out an call. From their volunteers would be needed. 

For now I am only asking for your prayers and that you would share this blog post with others. If a display of this level is mean to be. I'm sure God will work out all the details. For now this is only a dream of mine. But I am wondering if it can be turned into a reality.

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Different set of Lenses

This is the updated version of a previous post. However rather than just cut/paste/replace. I've decided to keep both versions intact. -JM

I am someone who has a disability. Those challenges impact me often in ways that most don't fully understand. It is something that I live with daily. Often moment to moment. Sometimes I don't fully understand how they impact me. Other times the effects are crystal clear. I am someone who sees the world though a different sent of lenses. I notice and focus on the inner beauty of the world around me. It is a source of endless wonder and fascination to see how things work in relation to one another. To see how all life plays out and the role it has in our daily lives. By seeing this beauty I understand how important life can be. Even with in the nature that exists around us. For me I love seeing nature around me. The animals and how they exist. You can say that I'm easily amused. However it is more about looking at what God has given us and being deeply thankful.

This lens that I see though is also reflected in my relationship with God. I see more of the spiritual side of things and have come to see the wonder and beauty in it. I see this in how I embrace the idea of going to Mass and seeing that it should be the foundation of anyone who proclaims they are Catholic. It is a foundation of our faith that should not be over looked. For I know that even on the days when I'm struggling. Even with paying attention. I know that I am in the presence of Christ. That though the Eucharist I am filled in a spiritual way. When I am at Mass I am always looking. Always learning. Seeing what is in the windows and in the stones. As I look I am always finding something new and exciting. It is a feeling that I hold on to because it never gets old. Being Catholic is the core of who I am. It has guided me though many things with in my life. 

It has never been easy to embrace who I am. Living in the shadows of my own disabilities I have often felt like I wasn't a full person. Overly self critical of my own limits. However as I've gotten older. I've learned to be more accepting of who I am and how I interact with this world. With in that acceptance I have found peace. Finding that peace I have found that it allows me to draw closer to God. Closer with my relationship with Christ. It is my faith in Christ that drives me to do what I can. Even on the days when I struggle with those limits. The days can be a challenge at times. However Christ is very much the light and the guide. I see the world though a different set of lenses. Take a look at my own work to see what I see at times.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Reflection 6-7

When you look at the history of the entire Church as a whole. You realize that the evil one has spent countless hours and countless generations trying to destroy what cannot be destroyed. For with Christ we will always stand strong and firm. Scandals and misdeeds have always had some kind of role to play in our history. People who became corrupt with power and at times abused it. Often in many ways that sets our hearts on fire with righteous anger. Yet though out our history we have remained strong. No matter what has taken place the Church remains as it always has been. The pillar on which our foundation is built on.

With in the last twenty years. More and more stories have been filling the papers about various abuses with in the Catholic Church. It seems you cannot go a full day with out some new report coming out. Such news can be heart breaking and can make us question why remain Catholic. To be sure such questions rattle us to our very soul. But when you look at those who do stay. You see a common thread. We believe in what the Gospel teaches us. We believe in the traditions handed down to us from the days of Christ. These are elements of the Catholic faith that go deeper than the buildings we go to. Than the Priests that lead us. While they are indeed our shepherds to guide us. It is Christ above all else that sustains us. For a Catholic the most important part of why we believe is in the words Christ: This is by Body. This is my Blood. The Eucharist is something the evil one does not want people to have. Though out history the evil one has gone out of his way to try and ruin what Christ has built for us. Corrupting many souls along the way. Yet generations later we still are here. Not destroyed or ruined. Our faith should always be deeper than the foundations of the buildings. For Christ has already won the victory. Scandals will rock us to our core. But no matter what. We shall remain strong as ever.

Important Links!

Twitter: @kc8wzm

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Reflection 6-5

Writer's note: This post is semi connected to a previous reflection I did recently

It is not easy being a follower of Christ in this day and age. Hard from the stand point of all that goes on around us. The idea of any hope for the future seems so far out of our reach. It's not that hard to understand given all the information that social media puts at our screens. With in a moment we can expand on any number of thoughts or opinions. Sometimes it is hard not to give into the temptation to lash out in anger at what grave injustice that we see. Or to become depressed at the state of the world. We wonder how Christ can be our light in these troubling times. It can be overwhelming. So why do we follow Christ when it seems that all hope in this world is slowly fading? Why do we embrace the Son of God despite the fact that things in this world seem be getting worse rather than better. With so much violence in the world and at times in our own backyards.

While their are many differing opinions with in the Christian communities their are a few common threads. The primary one is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he gave his life for us. Powerful love that was shown. At that same moment the followers of Christ felt as we do in this day and age. At times hopeless over the state of the world. Yet even in their disrepair they held on to hope. Even when losing it would be easy to do so. Looking at the entire history of the world. Believers in Christ had to face many world events. Such things that like in our time was probably overwhelming. Yet they also stood strong and above all else. They Believed in what Christ teaches us. That is why we embrace the Cross. Because of all Christ has done for us. It is easy to read the Bible and think of things in the past tense. But events are still unfolding in our lives. The message and lessons of Christ still ring true as they did for the eleven after Christ had gone into his Glory. It serves as a constant reminder that even when all hope seems to be lost. Christ is still very much with us. Amen?

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Different Lens

Writers's note: This post may be revisited and/or edited later. I just wanted to get this up on the blog so I could show a few people who I'm not connected with on FB.

I see the world though a different sent of lenses. I see the inner beauty of the world around us. It is such an amazement and fascination to see how things work in relation to one another. To look at all life and see the roles that life plays in our daily lives. By seeing this beauty I understand how important life can be. Even with in the nature that exists around us.

The lens reflects how I see things when it comes to my relationship with God. That foundation that we get when we take part in the Mass is such a critical point for me as a person. To be there in person and know that I am in the presence of Christ. Even on the day when my own attention span is limited. Still my eyes are constantly looking around. Seeing what is in the windows and in the stones. Always finding something new and exiting. It is a feeling that never gets too old.

Living in the shadows of the disabilities that I face with at times I have often felt like I wasn't a full person. Often chastising myself for my own limitations. Yet by finding peace with in my own challenges I have found that I draw closer in my relationship with Christ. It is that relationship that drives me to do what I can. Though the days can be challenging at times. I know that Christ is here to guide me. I see the the world though a different set of lenses. I think sometimes my writings is a reflection of what I see....

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Twitter: @kc8wzm