
Monday, October 31, 2016

I am Pro-Life

"I am Pro-Life. I believe in the right to life from conception to natural death." It is a statement many people both Catholic and non Catholic use when they describe their views when it comes to life. It is one that I have used myself. My feeling is that it does not always go into detail. More so when people find out that I'm Catholic. Which of course adds fuel to the fire if they are pro-choice. Since they believe that the reason why I'm pro-life is because I'm blindly following the church with out any consideration for my own thoughts. Yes I fully support Catholic faith when it comes to issues of life. Their is no question on that. My out spoken nature on the issues can be the stuff of legends. However that is not the full reason as to why I am pro-life.

The way that I look at this is that all life is precious. That as a follower of Christ I have a moral obligation to defend that life. This isn't about church teaching at this point. This is my deeply held personal view. When it comes to abortion, as someone who has a disability, I am out right fearful that once parents find out their child might have a disability they will chose death instead of allowing that child to live a full and rather happy life. I see all unborn life as having a purpose. Let that child be allowed to live and seek out that purpose. For me one of the greatest crimes of humanity is robbing an unborn child the right to life.

My views go much deeper than that though. I am also against capital punishment. I find the practice is extremely barbaric and not needed in this modern society. I would rather have a criminal serve out a life sentence than to be put to death by the state. Also I'm not fully sure that we can ever tell if someone is 100% guilty of a crime. Even now their has been some question of innocent people being put to death for crimes they may not have committed.

Euthanasia is a much more difficult subject. Personally I believe in dying with dignity. I believe that if we chose to end our own lives or to have someone help us. That doing so is a slap in the face to Christ who gave his life so that we might live.

But I think that it is more than that. I find that as someone who has a deep respect for life that I have a much greater sense of compassion to the suffering of others. That I understand that life is important and not so quick to seek it's destruction. We already live in a violent society. Played out every day. It seems that we find more justification to destroy life than find creative reasons to save it. When as a follower of Christ, when we chose support that pro-death movement directly or indirectly, we have turned our back to Christ. We fail to show compassion to others in their time of need. But also we have failed to show God's mercy.

Above all else. I made a decision that I will defend life in all of it's stages. From conception to natural death.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

The noise I hear.

Tinnitus. Pretty much defined as some kind ringing or buzzing on the ears. The way that I often explain it is that I hear an extra sound that no one else can hear. For anyone who has it severe it can be a private kind auditory hell.  Not unlike me calling Visual Snow VS for the rest of the post. Any time use the term "the noise" I am talking about my tinnitus.

I've had tinnitus to some extent all of my life. The more I look back on things the more I realize that as I have gotten older the worse the noise has gotten. When I was younger it use to come and go at random. Sometimes it would last for a few moments. Other times a few days. But it always went away. Always in the form of a high pitched tone. Think of a TV station that goes to bars and tone. Trying to listen to that tone for any amount of time. For me however it has gotten to the point that with in the last decade or more I now suffer with the noise 24/7.  It is always present with no "off" switch.

The reality is I suffer with this daily. To say the noise is annoying to listen to day in day out is putting it mildly. For the most part the range and pitch of the noise stays at a constant level. Though at times it can jump up with out warning and stay like that for more than a few days. Making an already bad condition even worse. It can push me to my limits.

What adds to it is that the noise creates a slew of extra problems that people may not even connect with tinnitus. In my case over the course of a decade or more. I've lost about 40% of the High frequency range of my hearing in my left ear. About 60% of the HF range in my right ear. What that boils down to is that I'm losing my hearing. For every bit of hearing that I lose. The noise gets progressively worse. The kicker is part of the hearing loss is directly due to the noise because it is over powering my hearing.

I guess the way that I look at it is that I am dealing with pain in a level that cannot be fully explained. It is not pain in a traditional psychical sense. Hearing the noise day in and day out gets old in a hurry and can wear you thin. I wake up in the morning with the noise already bad and just stays like that. It has reached a point that being in quiet rooms or hearing low electronic hums like from a computer fan can aggravate things. I don't know what silence is.

Because of the nature of tinnitus. At least in my area where I live. Their are no effective treatments. I've been told by some very good specialists that their is no hope or cure. That the noise will get worse. Which only adds to the frustration.

As a general rule I don't like talking about this. I don't like sharing with how this is impacting me on any level. I find that complaining about what I deal with doesn't do me any favors down the road. But I've also come to realize that sometimes you have to open up. You have to share what your fighting on a daily level. People are not going to know unless you open up and explain the challenges involved. If anything I hope you've gained some insight into this condition. If I've been able to do that. Then I consider myself blessed.

By the Grace of God I'm still standing.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rising above our challenges.

When ever I am faced with a challenge in my life. Such as in the case of me dealing with the visual snow or tinnitus. Their are only two choices I can make. I can spend my time walling in my own misery. Going from one pity party to the next and feeling sorry for myself. Allowing negativity to cast doubts on who I am. Leading me down a dark and miserable road.  Or I can decide to rise above it. Understanding that the battles I face are just a momentary storm. Knowing that the challenges that I deal with daily do not define who I am as a person. Deciding instead to embrace Christ than to allow that darkness to destroy the foundation. Personally I have found that though Christ I lead a full life. I find that I am able to take on the challenges and stay strong. Even on the days when I feel like I am at my weakest. I want to be known for the things that I do. The work I have going on with the Lego Church Project and other stuff. These challenges are just part of my daily life and stuff that I deal with.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Few bits and notes

The blog is a personal exploration for me. I have always had the desire to write. Which is why I decided to do this. Gives me a chance to practice and develop my writing. I'm still learning as I go with this. Good things take time.

If you are reading this blog from a laptop/desktop or otherwise able to see the full page. On the right hand column below the google + badge are some links.  One is for the FB page. The second list is for the "Look Into History" and will be will be updated as more are posted. The third set are links to the three of the four news stories that have been done on my work. Two from the Saginaw News/ and one from Our Sunday Visitor. Well worth checking out.

Would like to thank everyone who has been reading so far. Looking forward to your e-mails and your comments.


Fall is a season right?

Last Tuesday evening I had a rather painful impact with the ground. In this case I ended up falling off my bike. This is not the first time this has happened to me. But it is another challenge that I have to face with from time to time. I am rather overweight. In fact that is one of the first things people notice about me when they meet me. Because of my cerebral palsy I already have issues with balance. I am not stable on my feet for the most part. Walking can be a mild challenge when I'm having a bad day. The weight does not help me at all.

For me the risk of falling is every present. Because I have taken so many falls over the years. Depending on what is going on. I have learned how to react and roll my body in such away as to minimize the risk of getting hurt. However the falls that scare me the most are the ones that come so suddenly that I have no time to react. Last Tuesday's fall was one of those. First time in recent memory that I did get hurt to some degree. I am OK. However I am still feeling the effects of it. Thankfully my bones are rather strong due to my weight. The downside is that the soft tissue gets damaged and hurt because all the energy from the fall has to go somewhere.

What matters for me in this case. Nearly a week out is that I am still able to walk and ride the bike. Despite the rather direct hit I took on my left knee/leg. Even though I am always fearful of that nasty fall that could take me out of commission. I have to learn that even if my worse fears come true. I can still ride out the storm. This past week has been a strong indication of that.

I mention a bike was involved in this fall. In this case a good old fashioned single speed pedal bike. Classic beach cruiser style. I've had the bike since at least 2009. It has gotten a lot of use over the years. In fact I often say that I ride my bike better than I walk. Which in most cases is very true. Someone who is over 400lbs is not suppose to be able to go blocks let alone miles on a bike. People get a little pale when I tell them one of my favorite rides is a ten mile round trip.

I close this post out with this: Things are going to happen no matter how much we prepare. Sometimes elements are just out of our control. It is how we chose to ride out the storms in our life that makes all the difference. It is a lesson that I've been reminded of this past week. Boils down to my usual mantra: By the Grace of God I'm still standing.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Into the Hands of God

Sometimes we just have to place things into the hands of God. Trusting that his plan will fall into place. Even when we ourselves cannot see the road. When we cannot see how something could work out. It is not easy to do this. Because we want to have the control over our lives. To surrender to God is no easy task. But sometimes we cannot allow ourselves to grow. Until we surrender.


Friday, October 21, 2016

By the Grace of God part 2: I'm still Standing.

If you are coming over from FB or twitter. Please read part one first. It will make much more sense if you do.

"I don't know how you deal with things as bad as your visual snow and tinnitus get."

It is a statement or those like it that I've heard more than a few times over the years. Often by good friends who know about my daily struggles with both conditions. My usual reply has been "By the Grace of God I'm still standing." I really do what I can not to dwell on either condition. On any given day it can vary on how bad either the tinnitus or the VS is going to be. I would say that in most cases. I have more trouble with the tinnitus during a typical day. The noise in my ears is always bad on some level. Sometimes it pushes me to my limits. The snow itself takes a back seat. Other than the light sensitivity and the afterimages. When I have both noise and the snow fired up. It can make for some very choppy waters. But I still manage though the day.

Anyone who has ever taken the time to get to know me. Even reading this blog. Understand that I live in the shadow of disability. I have a mild form of cerebral palsy which has enough of an impact. Growing up I have always had some kind of challenge that has had to be overcome. I've been given more than a few bad hands in the deck of genetic cards. The fact that I deal with issues like tinnitus or even VS isn't all that much of a surprise for me. I refuse to let these issues define who I am as a person. I'm not going to let these challenges get in the way of the kind of person I want to be. This isn't about thinking positive thoughts or even wishful thinking. It is about having an understanding that this is what I deal with. Knowing full well that I'm going to have days that will be harder than others. Living with chronic issues like these. What is important for my own well being is that the better mood I have when I am dealing with a rough day. The less of a challenge these issues become.

It also speaks of a much deeper issue. That above all else my Catholic faith is extremely important to who I am. It is the foundation that I stand on as a person. It is very much active in the choices that I have made. In the paths that I follow. Even when I am dealing with the various challenges that I face. I have never been one to ask God as to "why" I have suffer with this. Or even so much to take this away from me. If anything I am often times praying for an inner strength so that I can ride out the storm. How I ride out the storms is tied directly to the foundation that I have. I rely on my faith because it does give me an inner peace. It gives me an over all sense of wisdom in all of my activities. Such as the things that I take part in to help me over come my challenges. The reality is I am a Child of God.

I have a personal policy of rarely talking about how bad things are with me. Doesn't matter of it's FB, here, or even to my close friends. Once in a while I will make some kind of off handed comment. But I will not always go into grand detail. This is something that I live with. But it is not who I am as a person. I have challenges. But they don't stop me from living my life. I refuse to let my challenges define who I am. I would rather be defined by how I life my life as a Catholic. How I do stuff though the Amateur Radio community. As well as my work with the Lego Church Project.

At the end of the day it all boils down to this:

"I don't know how you deal with things as bad as your visual snow and tinnitus get."

By the Grace of God I am still standing.


By the Grace of God... part 1: Snowy days for me.

I wanted talk for a moment about one of the challenges that I deal with every single day. It is something that is not wildly known. It is a rare condition called "Visual Snow". From this point on I will be referring to Visual Snow as "VS". Which is the short hand those of us in the Visual Snow Support FB group often use.

So the first question that I get asked when I mention VS is: What is it? Eye on Vision Foundation explains that: "Visual snow (VS) is the persisting visual symptom of seeing snow or television-like static across their visual field. The snow and static tends to be worse in the dark, but can be seen in all lighting conditions."

I would like to think of VS as a fine mist that I see every day that is in a state of constant motion. For me it is very bad at night. Bright sunny days I am OK with for the most part. But cloudy or over cast days then to get to me because I can see the snow more. While it doesn't limit my over all vision. It can be more than distracting. More so at night. Those of us who suffer with VS also deal with a lot of other issues that are often interconnected. EOVF has a lot more information on the matter. I'm going to focus on the two primary side issues that I deal with.

Afterimage are pretty much an echo of what I had just seen. Often times connected to a source of light. Looking though a window. Or even a light. When I pull my eyes away I see a copy of it. My afterimages are of the negative kind. Doesn't matter where I am at. Happens more times during a day than I care to count. Annoying but by no means the end of the word. The times when it bothers me the most is when I'm looking at Fr during one of his homilies and pull my eyes away and get an afterimage of the *entire* alter with him. Fills up my vision for a few moments. That's when I get freaked out the most.

I would say other than the VS itself. The other primary connected issue is extreme light sensitivity that I have. If you ever see me outside even on overcast days. I will 9 times out 10 have a pair of sunglasses on. Light and my eyes do not get along. At times being outside with out my sunglasses on can be very uncomfortable if not out right painful. Also means the brighter the light source the more issue I will have. LED's stand out for me. As do fireworks. At night it is also one of the reasons why I no longer drive. My night vision is bad enough as it is. But on coming headlights have caused me out right pain in my eyes.

VS is not a condition of the eyes itself. But more like an issue of the connection between the brain and the eye. It is pretty much the same concept of those who deal with chronic tinnitus. Instead of hearing extra information. I see extra information. In fact many who have VS also have tinnitus. Which includes me.  I've had a severe form of tinnitus since I was an adult. (I had it when I was a child but not to the extent that I do now). The VS is only been an issue with in the last five or six years or so.

VS effects me every day on different levels. While I can see normally and in fact still have my drivers licence. I have chosen not to drive. I don't feel safe behind the wheel. More so at night. I still ride my bike. But even then I take extra care. Once in a while I will have both a bad tinnitus attack (where the noise is worse than normal) and a VS attack. Which can fire up anxiety to a very high level.

If you have any questions about this post or anything that has been posted. Feel free to ask. Now that I have set the foundation. My next post will much clearer.


Thursday, October 20, 2016


Seems to be this misconception that because I have made a choice to follow Christ. That I'm automatically this overly judgmental person. That I pretty much condemn people to hell at the drop of a hat. That I only have compassion for my fellow Christians and automatically don't like anyone who does not share my same ultraconservative world view. Sorry to disappoint people. But that is not the type of Catholic that I am. I am a firm believer in compassion and mercy to all. No matter what you believe. Even if your world view does not even come close to meshing with mine. I believe in respect. Just because I disagree doesn't mean it gives me a right to attack someone. I don't tell people where they are going spiritually because to be honest. It's not my place. I don't know what kind of battles people have with in their hearts. I clearly don't believe in judging someone because of what they have done in their past. Because that does not define who they are in the present. I will always stand up for the issues that I am passionate about. Doing what I can to present my argument in a respectful manner. I'm not a follower of Christ because I feel that I am above everyone. I follow Christ because I know that I have struggles that I deal with. My own battles that are waged every single day. "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.." - (taken from John 8:7) Well. That pretty much takes me out of the picture then doesn't it.


The Grand Cross

During a typical Lego Church Project season build a picture like the one above gets posted. Over the years it has become a symbol of what the project is about. I call "The Grand Cross". Because for me that is what it is. It has over the years become one of the most important elements of my work. In fact the very placement of that cross has been one of the first things that get decided on even before any of the bricks are set.

The origins of how it even came about have been told many times. The FB page has more than few posts about it. Along with how it has evolved into it's current form. The design came about because of a need back on the Season 5 project. Since that time however the reasons for keeping the cross has also evolved. Over time the cross has become a statement of what I believe. To the point that with the exception of one season it has been used in every project since. In fact it really wouldn't be a Lego Church Project with out it.

 I've been reflecting on things over the past few months. I've come to a much deeper understanding of why I keep using it. It is very much a statement of who I am. Very much an important part of my work. It allows the work to stand out to show people "this is what I am doing." When I dig deeper. I realize that two more important meanings develop. Both very well tie into the themes I use in my art and of my own personal world view.

The first one is a pure representation of The Blessed Trinity. Each of the three crosses make up a part of that. One for God the Father. Another for God the Son. The final cross for The Holy Spirit. Which is the core of a path that I have made the choice to follow.

The other meaning that could be taken from the Grand Cross is the importance of unity with in our parishes. The smallest yellow cross represent a single person. The red outer cross stands for our parishes that we belong to.  The communities that we engage in as part of that parish. The largest yellow cross represents the entire Catholic Church itself. Not unlike when I'm building the Grand Cross into my project. One element cannot stand up with out the other. All three crosses are needed to keep things together. It is the same way with our Faith. With out people taking part in parish life. Our parishes cannot survive. With out our parishes. Everything else falls apart.

Take care my friends. Please feel free to comment on this or any of my other posts. Would love to hear from you.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The High Road

Their are many times when we must decide to take the high road. Because while it may be more challenging. It gives us the chance for the greatest reward.


Challenges we don't always see

Everyone has a challenge that they are faced with. Most people never get to see these challenges or their impact on the daily lives that we live. Some do not understand, or worse, refuse to understand what it is like to live with these challenges. They see things on the surface. But it is too much trouble for them to look deeper. Instead they dismiss or in many cases out right attack. These of course are the same people who would rather have all programs cut so that no one gets help. The same people who show an out right lack of total compassion or empathy. I have no ill will to these people. Rather than wasting energy on negative emotions I would rather invest that energy in prayer that their hearts would soften and that they would be shown the profound Mercy that the path of Christ offers.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Catholic Artist

I consider myself a Catholic artist who uses LEGO as his medium. I use this to promote the message that even if you have a challenge (or disability) that God can still use your talents. Each year as I have for the last seventeen of them. I spend countless hours of my time and energy to create something out of nothing. Taking a blank set of base plates and creating a new parish. Often times in the span of under two months. Which given the size and scope of what I do. Is rather impressive on it's own.

While I use the project to promote disability awareness. Their is also another element to my work. Something that is very subtle. But before I go into what that is. I must first explain something about myself. One element of my disability is that I am at times very hyper. Even as I have gone into adult hood and not far off from middle age. I am still the kind of person who cannot sit still for very long. I have to be in a state of constant motion. So even with that challenge that I face. I still enjoy the Mass. I enjoy the songs. I enjoy the processions. I enjoy the word of God. I enjoy the Communion. For me their is a deep passion for the Mass and it is an important element of my project.

My Lego Church Project is a snapshot of typical parish life. It is my love of the faith transformed though art. I try to capture as much of as I can. As realistically as I am able to given the limits that LEGO sometimes gives me. You see this passion because of all the details. The time I spend working on each section. Lot of that detail is in the tile work. The patterns on the floor and some of the other design elements that make a Church what it is. But building is only part of the story. Along with it are the people that come to the Mass.

One of the many comments I get is my project is always full of people. A sad reminder that our parishes are suffering. People have fallen away or have forgotten how important the Mass is. In the more recent past I have said that the pews are full because that is my hope and my prayer. That people would come back to their spiritual homes. To rejoin their parish communities. But I think this not a fully accurate statement. Because when I look on my work. I realize now more than ever. It is the entire project that is a prayer. A reminder of how important Celebrating the Mass is. That Christ would awaken in us a passion. A passion for our parish communities. But also a passion for life itself.

I close this post out with this final though: When I'm doing one of my displays people who come up to check the project out see the outside of the building. My comment to them is something along the lines of "You need to see the inside to get the rest of the story." As I've been working on this post. I'm starting to realize that their is way more to the story than just the project. That I am a Catholic artist who uses LEGO as his medium. I express my passion and love for my faith though my work. Sharing the messages that comes with it.


What cannot be separated.

If you truly claim to follow Christ. Then you cannot separate your faith from who you are. For someone who truly proclaims that Christ is their Lord and Savior it is impossible. For our Faith is Christ is the core of who we are. We are living examples of God's love. We should not compromise on the teachings of Christ in anything. It is not the most popular opinion right now. But Christ himself never said following him would be easy. That the road would be at times, extremely difficult. More so in a world that fears and has open contempt for those of us who truly believe. Lay your troubles at the foot of the Cross. Wash yourself in the power of the Holy Spirit and give all your worries to God.


Facing challenges.

We are often faced with challenges that can either become lessons that we learn from. Or they become struggles that seek to destroy us with negativity and doubt. I have found more often than not that just by surrendering these challenges to God we can find an inner peace that allows us to over come them. The road in this life is not meant to be an easy one. But rather a road that we can learn. Giving into the negativity can only reward us with pain and sorrow. Surrendering to God in my opinion does not mean that things will get better. But it will give us the inner strength that we did not even know we had. Gives us wisdom to figure out the best path to go. Even when the road seems most hazardous.


Monday, October 17, 2016

about some of my writings

Back when I use to do poetry a long, time ago. I use to draw on many themes in my writings. Often times reflecting on the messages of faith, mercy, and of course redemption. While I don't do the poetry that much anymore. These messages and personal reflections seem to have taken a bit of root with in me. They have always been focused on something going on with in myself. Or something someone close to me is going though. When I truly sit down to write. I open from a deep place with in my heart. For me it a form of prayer and looking into who I am. Not only as a person who lives in the shadow of disability but also as a member of the Catholic Church.


A few short Bits of Wisdom

Below are a few short FB posts I did during the year. You will find that some of my writing can be very long. Others short and to the point. Please let me know what you think.


We must surrender to God, All of our strengths, all of our weaknesses. All of our anxiety and all of our fear. Praying for our friends and family who stand by us. Praying for our enemies who seek to do us harm. We must thank God in our good times. We should seek God in the bad times. For at the times when we feel our weakest. God provides us an inner strength we never knew we had.


As we face our greatest challenges. We must surrender them to God. No matter how difficult doing so might be.


I find that when I allow Christ to be the driving force in my life. That all things become possible.


Their are times when faith really does become important. Times when going alone is the worse thing that you can do. Even when it seems that all hope is lost. Yet God stands with us ready to help us face our greatest challenges.


When their is nothing but darkness from the world around us. We are reminded that Christ is our light.


Bits of Wisdom: Challenges

We are often faced with challenges that can either become lessons that we learn from. Or they become struggles that seek to destroy us with negativity and doubt. I have found more often than not that just by surrendering these challenges to God we can find an inner peace that allows us to over come them. The road in this life is not meant to be an easy one. But rather a road that we can learn. Giving into the negativity can only reward us with pain and sorrow. Surrendering to God in my opinion does not mean that things will get better. but it will give us the inner strength that we did not even know we had. Gives us wisdom to figure out the best path to go. Even when when the road seems most hazardous.


Prayers for this nation

We really need to pray for this nation. We really need to ask God to change the hearts of those who's hearts are made of stone. For those who have no compassion. For those who have no empathy for those who suffer greatly. For those who are willing to ignore the crisis that are going on in our own neighborhoods. We must also pray for the mother Church. That Christ would awaken in us a fire for Jesus Christ. That we would accept God's calling to live our lives as true witnesses to the love and mercy that Christ has shown us.

For chose who follow the path of Christ. Prayer is a powerful tool. It calms the mind. The heart. The soul. It allows us to reach deep with in ourselves to seek out answers to the questions that we face. It can guide us to areas of our lives that need to be changed. It does not always magically fix the problems that we have. But will often open up the doors needed to find the solution. As I have seen with in my own walk with Christ. Prayer does indeed work.


Bits of Wisdom: Storms

All stuff posted is my own work. Unless otherwise noted.

Storms are a constant element in this life of ours. Sometimes we can drive though them with out worry. Other times we must find a spot to pull over to ride things out. It is not that we don't care about what is going on. But rather it gives us a chance to see a better path to follow so we can get our lives back on track.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Notes about the Bits of Wisdom/reflections

These reflections or Bits of Wisdom as I call them. Are items that have I wrote for my FB page or The Lego Church Project page. They will not be posted in the order written as I am slowly going though my FB account. So I probably have more than a few years to go though. It is also my hope to take some of these and expand on some of the ideas.


Reflection from Oct 12th

At the end of the day. If we are people who proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. No matter the path. We must be willing to stand up. We must make our voice as one. Because this world is slowly falling apart before our eyes. Let Christ be our light against the darkness this world is offering us. Let Christ be our guide as our faith comes under fire from the very people who are suppose to uphold it. Let Christ offer up the wisdom to see what needs to be seen. To do what needs to be done..

Often Amazed

I am often amazed that I've been at this for so long with The Lego Church Project. Right now I'm about midway though my 17th season that for me started back about Mid-Feb with the build.

A typical season is a full cycle of life. The Build. Which in most cases these days starts around middle of March and will run to at least early May. The Display. That window is from June (or earlier depending on when I can set them up) all the way to the final display at Christmas. The Tear down. The end of the project season. That take place about mid Jan. Usually the same afternoon I get the project back from the final display.

Where I take the project to is a fun story as well. My first display was at the Mt. Zion Catholic Pastoral Center in Montrose, MI. That was back during what has become known as Season 1. It was a one week display and the first time I had ever shown any of my Lego Churches to the general public. At the time they had been mostly kid stuff. But at that point I was at a major cross roads and this opened up the doors needed for me to be where I am at.

Right now as it stand I have two "main" display locations. These ones have been stops for more than a few seasons. Most times the first display of the season is at the Knights of Columbus Hall Council #4232 in Saginaw, MI. That takes place in June and is usually a one or two week display. The final display is always at Christmas at Christ the Good Shepherd Parish. (The former St Helen/St. Andrew communities.) The Christmas Tradition has been going on since 2003. For me it is the most important display. Not because it's the final one. But it is at my home parish.

The Project itself is a massive Catholic Parish built out of LEGO bricks. With full interior and exterior details. The FB page has all the pictures and more information.

One of the things that people don't always realize is the message behind my work. I have a mild case of Cerebral Palsy. Which creates some unique challenges. Both with learning and social skills. I am a firm believer that even if you have a disability or challenge in your life. That God can and will use your talents in amazing and very creative ways. I am a firm believer in raising awareness for better treatment of those who have a disability. My project is my own way of raising that awareness.


Reflection from Sept 18th

Storms are a constant element in this life of ours. Sometimes we can drive though them with out worry. Other times we must find a spot to pull over to ride things out. It is not that we don't care about what is going on. But rather it gives us a chance to see a better path to follow so we can get our lives back on track.


A reflection from Oct 3rd.

Being a follower of Christ means that we show mercy and compassion to those around us. But it also means that we stand up for the things that we believe in. Even if what we believe in is not always popular with the general public. The moment we water down our faith. Is the moment we turn our backs to Christ. The moment we compromise our faith in the public sector. Is the moment that we have turned our hearts away from God in our private lives. We must keep this in prayer always. That those who claim to follow Christ. Would stand up for what they believe in. But doing so in away that shows mercy and compassion.


Welcome to the world of the bricks..

Welcome to the new blog. This is a collection of my various bits of wisdom I have written. Along with explorations of my Catholic faith and issues with disability awareness. I am also planning on sharing updates and more information with the Lego Church Project.

While this blog is about the Catholic Faith it is *NOT* a political blog. If anything it more about spirituality and understanding. "Praying at the bricks" is an expression I often use when I'm working on a specific season of the Lego Church Project. More information can be found at the link provided. Though your more than welcome to direct any questions to