
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Reflection 12-29-19

Sometimes we can reach a point where our own mind becomes the distraction when it comes to matters of the spiritual. We can spend our entire lives obsessing and over thinking about what awaits us at the end of this journey and at the same time to forget to live that journey. If we truly believe in Christ then we have nothing worry about providing that we live our lives as best as we can according to our faith. God understands our strengths and our internal struggles. We don't have to obsess and worry because God is with us always. Many times the evil one will use fear and doubt as a way to get at us. Those are the times when prayer becomes even more important because it allows us to put things into proper perspective. Allows us to turn our eyes to God and away from our fears and our obsessions. Bringing us an internal peace in this rather crazy world we reside in.

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reflection 12-20-19

Recently I went to a funeral for a young child. One of the most heart breaking things I have ever done. We often wonder why such things happen to the young. However sometimes we are just not simply meant to know. Christ himself told us we would not know the day nor the hour. For me I'm using the time as a sobering reminder of how I live my life and how I interact with others. A reminder that sometimes the endless "social media arguments" are just simply not worth it. The petty bickering and constant fighting the world has these days is a distraction from the major problems that we face. Both in the world and with in our own hearts. Perhaps instead we can turn our "righteous anger" into something more productive and profound. We can put that energy into building the faith in a creative way. The internal bickering and nitpicking is a distraction that the evil one overly enjoys. Because it takes away from God's love and mercy. We are called to live better lives. If we proclaim that we believe in Jesus Christ than we should live our faith to the fullest with no compromises that the world demands of us. One of my goals for this coming year is to not get into too many debates unless their are specific reasons for me to do so. Life is way to short to get bogged down in constant fighting over social media. I would rather spend my time evangelizing by sharing my talents. Sharing my faith by being a witness to all God has done for me. So that way I can take what I have learned and do what I can to be a better person.

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

I could use some help

Once in a while I get asked by people how can they help me out with my ministry. The reason being is that I am on an extremely fixed income and LEGO even on the secondary market is not cheap. I have a lot of practical suggestions  on how you can support my efforts. However looking forward to the Season 21 build in Feb. I've noticed that I will need to secure some parts. If you would like to help me via a donation you can either use the paypal link or drop me an email to so we can work out the details. Use the e-mail link if you want to buy the items yourself and have them sent to me. 

Here are a few things I'm looking at:

Tabernacle: While it is rare for me to go into a build with any clear cut idea as to what I want to do. Their are some ideas that will be present. The Tabernacle from this season became a story on it's own thank to the suggestions from people. The goal is to modify the existing design and hopefully expand it. To do that I will need to secure more parts in pearl gold so I can offer up something in terms of overall size and detail. With donations that can help cover the costs.

Windows: I have found that I will need to replace more than a few windows. They will not be easy given the number I use. Below are a few of the panels that I either need or want to use for Season 21.

Panel 1x2x2 : This is my go to window. The panel has served me well over the years and are over all effective in making sure people can see inside. However with age they do tend to get marked up a bit. Needless to say I will have to replace a few.

Panel 1x4x3: I've used a few of these on the inside. But would like to get almost 30 or so in Translucent Clear to be used as windows. That way I can have more options in creative walls inside the project.

Panel 1x6x5: I use a few of these in the Season 20 Project and would like to get a few more. Mainly to be used on the Alter sections so people can have a much better look inside. They are not easy to come by and are not always cost effective.

Along with panels I want to expand my collection of various bricks in the translucent colors such as Blue and Red. People really love the effects and they work out for a number of things with in the build. So I want to be able to use more of those parts where I can. 

In terms of the base plates (what the project sits on). I'm not fully sure on the condition of those are just yet. I haven't noticed any major issues so far but I won't even know about those until I do the tear down. If they are in rough shape I will have to replace those as well. But praying that won't the case. 

The Wish list! I also have a wish list of items up on Amazon. The selection of sets have mini-figures and other stuff that can be used for the project. Such as bricks and such. Some of this stuff is hard to get even on the secondary markets. 

This list will be modified and expanded later depending on how much feed back I get. To those who help you have my deepest of thanks. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Faith and Mountains

Believing in Christ is not as easy as it sounds. If anything it can be one of the most difficult journeys anyone can undertake. It requires a level of faith that is almost like the mountain in how strong it has to be. The challenges we face are not unlike the storms those mountains endure season after season. At times the ground becomes unstable and erodes away. Not unlike our faith during times of challenge. It is only normal for us to face that kind of doubt. To feel like God has abandoned us. Or worse to feel like the very church we believe in is full of evil people with no hope of any kind of redemption. That kind of doubt seeps into the soul and wears us away like the storms battering the mountain side until the entire cliff gives way. With in the Gospels their is no mention of the journey being an easy one. If anything it is often said the journey will be extremely difficult. We see that in our daily lives when their are moments when our faith is tested to the near breaking point. Often times leaving us questioning more than believing. Yet with in our moments of doubt. God is more than willing to listen to our prayers. For He is with us even when we cannot feel it. We all have our moments when we question our faith. However much like the storms the batter the mountains these can often be but a moment. Pray even in those moments. Pray for others who are also struggling. Be a light to those around you and a beacon of hope. So that way when the storms pass our faith will remain as strong as the mountains.

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Saturday, November 9, 2019

What It means to me.

Disability Awareness. Two words that I often use in discussions about The Project. For me it is about changing the views people have on those of us who face various challenges in our lives. The idea that those who have disabilities are suffering greatly for the way we were born. Recently someone commented that some parishes cannot afford to add wheel chair ramps or even guard rails. To think that being disabled is something that has to be easily seen is a pure misunderstanding of what disability is. Many of us face challenges with our health. Many times we keep those challenges private. Awareness is showing that no matter what you face you should feel welcome with in the parish you attend Mass. For me it starts with attitude that we are not any kind of inconvenience on someone. That we are still children of God and that we have just as much of a desire to live a full life with in our parish communities. Some of us have chosen to take a more public effort in sharing our Catholic faith with others. I am one of those people. I hope that as you read my posts and see The Project you get a sense of understanding that while I do have a disability, I have a deep desire to serve Christ and I pray always for the opportunities to do so.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Friday, November 8, 2019

Reflection 11-7

The old and those who have disabilities are the ones who are often overlooked in our society. Some people feel that because of the limits we sometimes have that we have nothing to offer in terms of what we can teach to others. Yet we have way more to offer than people realize if were are given that chance. True wisdom is timeless and can come from anyone. That wisdom can carry over into the future generations and give insight into the problems that we face. History is often that endless cycle that moves us from one crisis to the next. Yet true wisdom can be our guide. That guide is the Holy Spirit. It can direct us and come forth. So even those who are often over looked can have something to offer if you are willing to give them a chance to share it.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

We have not seen yet we believe!

"Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." This comes from the Gospel of John. (John 20:29) and it really does a good job of starting the discussion about why we believe in Christ. It really is a lot to take in when you consider all that happens. Four different Gospels share various accounts of the birth, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ. It takes a lot of faith to believe in something that we have not seen with our own two eyes. Given that the events themselves take place far into our past. Dealing with things of the mystic and miraculous. Given what we know of the world today it is way too easy to dismiss things as some kind of false belief. Something that took place in the past and has no relevance in our future. Yet given all that has taken place the Passion of Christ is still very important to our lives.

As a Catholic I believe that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God. For me it is something that I feel with in my heart and my soul. An acceptance of something deep and profound. A pure mystery that science can never explain. With in my own heart I Know it is truth. Once again however I find myself in seeking understanding from the lives of the Saints. They lived and died for Christ. Some of them becoming martyrs for the faith. Their history having a deep impact and even today. It is a reminder that for all that goes on Christ is indeed with us. When we chose to follow Christ the road does not get any easier. Of the many things written in the Gospels. "This will be easy" is not a phrase that is mentioned. To accept the Gospels requires us to believe in something that we will never see with our own eyes. Yet we are blessed by God for that. I know while some areas of my life have not been easy. I know that because of my faith in Christ I have been deeply blessed. Which takes us back to the scripture I quoted at the start from John 20:29. Amen?

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Saints and Nature

There are many reasons why I believe in God. One of those reasons is with the Saints. Those Holy men and women we honor for their commitment to Christ. Even when that faith was tested. They are examples of what it means to pick up that cross and follow Christ. They never lost sight of the church. Even when the world around them was changing. Going further The Bible is filled the lessons that are still relevant to this modern time. The Saints are in many way a small level of proof that all that has taken place is true. This is because of all they sacrificed to live a higher calling. We should look more closely at their lives and see the reality that God exists. Even if you choose to ignore the miracles and that which science can never fully explain and instead focus on the nature around. You find God at the center of the great mysteries. You see the inner beauty of life. Created in such majestic perfection. Take some time and look at the world around you. Look for the things that stand out and find the small joys. Look into the lives of those who have gone on before us and see what they saw. The truth that God is indeed with us and we are all of His children.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Empty Church: Transportation Revisited

I have been deeply blessed in the fact that for the most part I have been able to find a ride to Mass. However not everyone is as lucky as I've been. Over a year ago I wrote a blog post that touched on the issue of transportation titled "Who Do I Ask?" Since that time I've been praying and pondering on what kind of practical solutions could be done. I believe with all my heart that something should be done to make things easier. I think the solutions can be very simple. With the over all goal helping people establish connections with in a parish so they can go to Mass.

I know from my own experience that being able to take part in the Mass and being able to get a ride makes me feel like I truly am a part of the parish community. That I belong to something greater than myself. If we truly want to be welcoming as parish communities then we should make every effort to make getting to Mass easier for those who do not drive such as the elderly or the disabled. It is a chance to evangelize that is often over looked or at worse out right ignored. However it is also something that we can change. By being more mindful of the needs of the faithful with in our parishes. I believe that solutions can be found to any problem that we face. Sometimes that means we have to get creative about it. For my own part I'm starting to reach out to people in other parishes to see what is already being done. In fact if you know of a program drop me a note. I would love to hear about it. I have a deep desire to see this issue looked at more closely. The issue of transportation to Mass (and to other parish events) has been on my mind a lot lately. The question for myself is: What Can I do to help solve this problem?

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Monday, October 14, 2019

Those of us...

The blog has always been about collecting my various writings. In this case the post was from something I wrote on FB several years ago as a comment on a group. I have now added it to the collection. 

Those of us who have some kind of disability have challenges most people do not fully realize. It is hard for us to be accepted in a society that paints us as people who should not be allowed to exist. It hard for people to take the time to understand or to even get to know someone who has any kind of challenge. I know in my own walk in the shadow of disability that I have seen this first hand. I have been told that I am a burden on society. I've been told that I would never do some things that others take for granted. Like driving. Or even living on my own. This notion that because we have challenges. That we do not have something to offer society is flawed thinking at best. We are not given the chance to shine because often times we are dismissed or worse overlooked. With me their is a frustration that I feel with trying to be accepted for who I am. That yes, I have a mild case of cerebral palsy. That yes I several challenges related to that. In how I talk. In how I move. In how I relate to social situations. I see this all the time when I am at Mass. I see this many times when I'm doing one of my Lego Church Project displays. Which it's core message is disability awareness. I've had some people get a little uncomfortable when I bring up that issue. They see the big guy with his big LEGO church. But they don't always want to know the full story. Many times it is out of fear. Because people are afraid of what they don't fully understand. I don't expect people to understand all that I deal with. But I want people to know that just because you have a disability or challenge. That God can and many times will use your talents. Often it is in very unexpected ways.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Stewards of this Planet

It is written in the Bible that God created the heavens and the Earth. He also gave us (humans) dominion over it. No matter what your views are on Climate Change. The reality is that we are stewards of this planet and by that extension we have a responsibility to do better in taking care of it. Such a view can be held by all no matter what side of the fence you are on. With in each generation new advances in technology are being developed to the point that their are better ways of living that are far greener than previous generations. Such advances should be encouraged and developed that are practical for every day living and are not falling into the extremes that some are calling for. While I do not believe God would allow His created to be destroyed by our own hands. I do believe that we can take better responsibility in preserving this planet for future generations. Sometimes even the smallest action has the biggest impact in our lives. The problem with taking extreme action in any situation is that it often causes problems in other areas of our lives that we never even consider. Taking a more reasonable look at what we can do will help us over all. It may not be the dramatic changes the climate alarmists want us to make. However even a small step can lead to major improvements in the health of our world.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Saturday, October 5, 2019

While I don't Drive.

I've mentioned a few times over the years that I don't drive. Their are a few reasons why I don't. Part of it is because being on disability due to the mild cerebral palsy makes being able to afford or maintain any kind of car/van nearly impossible. Older cars require a lot of work and have costly repairs. Plus the price of gas and rising insurance costs adds up very quickly. It is not cost effective for me given the fixed income that I have. The other reason that I've shared is more medical. My vision in the day time is decent enough. Even with the Visual Snow. However my night vision is another story. I have light sensitivity which also means lots of glare. Also poor recovery time with my eyes. Along with the snow means that my night vision is diminished. To the point that even if I had my own car I would not drive at night because I don't feel safe or comfortable behind the wheel. It can be a challenge at times not being able to drive. Sometimes their is a feeling that you lose some of your independence. I'm blessed for those who help me out. Today I figure it was time that I went into more detail about why I can't drive.

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Friday, October 4, 2019

One of the things...

One of the things that most people don't fully know is the fact that I build and display only one church per year. That's the main reason why I call it a season. That process takes me about 1 to 2 months depending on the design, complex nature of what I have planned and how many orders into Bricklink (online LEGO marketplace) I have in. Once the final display is finished up at Christmas at my home parish. I take the project apart over the course of three or four days and then start the process all over again. It truly is a cycle of faith from start to finish. What has kept me inspired is the love of the Catholic faith. The rich beauty in what has come about and the amazing parishes I've visited or seen over the years. I'm doing this to remind myself and others that no matter what challenge/disability you face God can still use your talents in amazing and often times creative ways. We could all use some hope in this troubling world.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bricks and Prayers

Building the Lego Church Project requires a lot of effort on my part. Not unlike the challenges we face in our daily lives their is a high level of challenge in the build. I'm doing this mostly by free hand with no idea of how things will turn out. The vision that I see may take some twists and turns. This kind of understanding applies to life in general. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control. Int is in these times that we have our faith in Christ. We have been given the tools and resources to seek out the wisdom to find solutions to the problems at hand. One of the most important tools is the power of prayer. For us prayer is an amazing resource. It may not always give us the "magical answers" it can however point is in the right direction to help solve the problem in ways we might not even consider. A case in point is during one of the project builds. Near the end of the build I was reaching a point where some important parts were not lining up correctly as they should. No matter how I looked I could not see the problem. Spending time in prayer I discovered one of the beams was not lined up properly on the board. It was just enough to throw things off. Prayer did not fix the issue. But it gave me wisdom to look for something I otherwise would not have noticed. In the same way having a total faith in Christ is what gives us that ability to face our challenges head on. Working on this project can create a lot of fear and anxiety. Yet during those times of struggle I pray a lot for direction and wisdom. Ideas will come and solutions can be found. It is a reminder that prayer does have the power to move mountains if we allow God to move with in us.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Monday, September 9, 2019

Saints and Sacrifice

A common thread in the lives of the saints is sacrifice. Many did as Christ requested. Literally giving up everything. From friends and family. To social status and wealth. Some even gave up their health. Taking on suffering in the name of Jesus Christ.

We gain wisdom through their eyes. Lessons passed down from generation to generation. Even today they can still teach us about what it means to be Christian. Many in this current age don't fully believe in the miraculous. They look to things that they can touch and see. They do not believe that true miracles can happen. In such ways that direct science can't fully understand. The Saints believe in Christ fully. They believe that bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. The Eucharist that we take part of at Mass. Many of the saints gave up their lives believing that Christ is the Son of God.

When we ignore the teachings of our faith. We in our own way tell the world that the saints died for nothing. That Christ wasn't Divine. That our faith is just something for show with no deeper meaning. That the miraculous is just a fantasy. Yet God calls us to live deeper lives. That our faith in Christ should be absolute. That it requires us to have the same unquestionable view that the child has. It makes sense given that we are children of God. Doing this makes the sacrifice of the saints have meaning.

In times of doubt surrender to Christ all that troubles your spirit. For God knows your challenges. While the saints serve a true witnesses for the Passion that we should have for Christ.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Our Choice

When you tell someone that you are a "cradle Catholic" their seems to be this automatic assumption that as you get older the only reason you are still Catholic is strictly due to the "indoctrination" you got from your parents. This notion that a person is only belong to the faith due to some kind of family legacy seems to minimize the fact that God has always given us a choice in how we live our lives. Though out the Bible, passages are written, about the choices that we make. You realize this when in talking about Heaven that the gate to enter is narrow while the road to hell is wide. As followers of Christ we have that ultimate choice: To serve Christ or not to follow at all.

Each and every Catholic who follows church teaching is on a unique journey. Even when we have not always been on the right path. We have our missteps and we seek mercy though God because he seeks to draw us closer. For myself this journey with in the Catholic faith has been a rather interesting one. While my faith has always been rooted in the foundation my parents gave me. At the end of the day it has always been my own choice.

At some point as a cradle Catholic we will have to face the storm of doubt. Moments in our lives when it can seem all to hard to fathom all that God has done for us. The Catholic faith has a long and rich history. To reflect on it and to accept it can be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes we struggle with the belief that God gave us his only Son who was handed over and put to death on The Cross! Let alone that Christ rose from the dead! It requires a lot of faith to accept that reality in this current modern age. Those who are able to ride out the storm and remain faithful become stronger over all. Because they have made the choice to embrace the truth.

When all is said and done. We as children of God must make a choice. To turn away or pick up our Cross and follow Christ. For me it was a choice that I made a long time ago. The key point being is that the choice has always been mine to make. Not anyone else. I am Catholic because I know it to be true. I made the choice to accept that truth.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Too much nitpicking?

You look at social media enough and you realize that their is a lot of people who just love to complain. They will pick fights and argue with you just to make the point that they feel they are correct and the rest of the world is wrong. It becomes more common when people share the same faith. Can easily spend hours reading posts and tweets from every arm chair theologian who feels that unless it's one specific way your condemned to the eternal fire.

While some criticizing can be justified. It seems to easily get out of hand to the point that we are no longer evangelists. Rather we become over zealous nitpickers who's only goal in life is to point out what everyone else is doing wrong. Instead of leading by example in living our faith. Our presence on social media should be as much of a reflection of who we are as followers of Christ as it is when we are not at the computer screen. Sometimes the best way to evangelize is not being focused on the flaws of others but rather by showing the world who we are by living our life as we are called to live it. We proclaim and reflect the image of Christ in how we carry ourselves in this world. We should strive to do that just as much in our interactions with people online as we do with people offline. We should always carry with us a simple reminder: The Church has never been a hotel for the pious. Rather it has always been a hospital for the broken and the sinner. The world needs more evangelists and less arm chair theologians. Perhaps by putting more of a focus on living our lives as Christ has called. We can share the Good News with everyone we meet.

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Twitter: @kc8wzm