
Monday, September 9, 2019

Saints and Sacrifice

A common thread in the lives of the saints is sacrifice. Many did as Christ requested. Literally giving up everything. From friends and family. To social status and wealth. Some even gave up their health. Taking on suffering in the name of Jesus Christ.

We gain wisdom through their eyes. Lessons passed down from generation to generation. Even today they can still teach us about what it means to be Christian. Many in this current age don't fully believe in the miraculous. They look to things that they can touch and see. They do not believe that true miracles can happen. In such ways that direct science can't fully understand. The Saints believe in Christ fully. They believe that bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. The Eucharist that we take part of at Mass. Many of the saints gave up their lives believing that Christ is the Son of God.

When we ignore the teachings of our faith. We in our own way tell the world that the saints died for nothing. That Christ wasn't Divine. That our faith is just something for show with no deeper meaning. That the miraculous is just a fantasy. Yet God calls us to live deeper lives. That our faith in Christ should be absolute. That it requires us to have the same unquestionable view that the child has. It makes sense given that we are children of God. Doing this makes the sacrifice of the saints have meaning.

In times of doubt surrender to Christ all that troubles your spirit. For God knows your challenges. While the saints serve a true witnesses for the Passion that we should have for Christ.

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