
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Making Disability Disappear

Down syndrome is disappearing

The link above is to a news story put out by CBS. The key points of the story for the sake of this post is that thanks to testing. Most women who find out their child might have Down syndrome have abortions. The story says "close to 100%". 

As someone who has a mild form of cerebral palsy this is disturbing to me on so many levels. That instead of showing love and compassion. We become monsters of our own creation in deciding who has a right to live. But also who should not be allowed to live. That seems to be the key element of abortion in general. This feeling that a child is better off dead than being allowed to exist at all. Doesn't matter what the justification is. So long as that "choice" ends in death. To think that the only way we can prevent disability is to simply eliminate the child. I am truly at a loss for words as I ponder on what I've read in the few days.

To deal with some kind of disability, no matter what type or form, can be a profound challenge. I know it has been for me in my life. While I am blessed in so many ways. I know that their are families who have a much bigger struggle. In them I see this deep well of love that comes from their hearts. It is something that is shown even in their moments of frustration. Their is a compassion and a sense of purpose. This unconditional love that has no limits. That their child brings a deep sense of joy. The idea that a mother would want to destroy a life that may not even be born with a disability is disturbing to me on so many levels. This notion that in order to save a life we must take a life away.

But I worry for a much darker future for those of us who have a disability. I worry that at some point those who want to eliminate disability though abortion will seek to end the lives of those who are already born. Forcing euthanasia on those of us who have our challenges. That able bodied people will feel that someone like me does not deserve the same right to life as the person standing next to me.  The more that I read stories like the one I linked to. It really makes me wonder about the future of this world. Perhaps I am over reacting. I honestly pray that I am wrong. But I'm starting to see indications that my fears may not be that far off from reality. If anything the two stories I have linked to shows. It is a strong indication of the future we are heading into. One that not only embraces the culture of death. But encourages that culture on those who are most vulnerable and at risk. We as followers Christ must speak out against this culture even if it means being hated for it. We cannot allow Christians who support abortion (directly or indirectly) weaken our resolve.

It is my prayer that Christians who support abortion would open up their hearts and realize that they are doing more harm than good. That these stories would serve as a wake up call that a dark future awaits those who are most vulnerable That we can no longer remain silent. Our voices must be heard. If we don't raise our voices now. Then we might not be able to raise them later.

Till then.


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