
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Showing compassion instead of building walls

As someone who believes in Jesus Christ though the Catholic Faith. I believe that we should show compassion and mercy to those around us. We should not single out anyone because we may not agree with the path they have in this life. I can understand the current agenda in trying to secure our borders. To prevent acts of terrorism. However banning groups of people from entering into our country based on where they are from and what religious path they follow goes against the spirit of what the Founding Fathers intended. I agree that we live in an age where more security checks need to be made. But the majority of the violence that has visited our nation has not come from outside our states. But from inside our country. People born and raised here. The polices being offered are knee-jerk reactions that gives a false sense of security. But they do nothing to seek out and address the underlying issues that our country is facing. Perhaps if we shifted our focus into creating better paths for citizenship, better and more affordable health care and remove the stigma of mental illness. Rather than spending our resources building walls and excluding people we don't agree with. Then perhaps we can move forward with true progress.


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