
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Poetry: As I Walk

As I Walk
JM Kraemer

As I walk through the journey of life,
Evil always lurks around me.

For no matter how strong I stand,
darkness seeks to ruin everything

My lantern is lit for the journey
Light of Christ is always the answer

The good book remains in my hand
while evil flees at its sight.

This journey is filled with constant danger
temptations and sin rule the world.

For no matter how strong I remain,
evil will give no rest.

To be on the journey is not an easy road
yet hope Christ gives always remains

Following this path will lead to great trials
rewards to be had yet to be seen.

As I walk through the journey of life,
Evil always lurks around me

Yet my faith in Christ remains strong
evil still seeks ruin all that is gained.

No matter how difficult the journey becomes
My lantern will always remain at the ready.

Christ gave His is word till the traveler's end
for we are always on the journey.

Rough day

I've always been pretty honest about the challenges I have with mental health. This post was written yesterday after a very bad anxiety attack that I'm still feeling the effects from. This is the reflection that came from that. 

 I've had a rough day. Before the news was unfolding, I had a fire up of some neurological issues. When the Visual Snow gets rough makes seeing a bit of a challenge. Also means the light sensitivity and the afterimages goes up a few notches. Such stuff then in turn fuels the anxiety so that what would be normal "minor" annoyances like a computer acting up. Turns into a full-blown fire breathing dragon. You do what you can to keep your head above water. Inside you are a jumbled wreck and your tolerance for B.S. goes out the window. You know full well that you're in a spot where you have more in common with an angry snapping turtle than a believer in Christ. It is hard to remain charitable with such a passion for what is going on.

Sometimes you have to take a bit of a step back and put those issues into prayer. Because in those moments' prayer is the only thing that will help. Gives you something to focus on. Even if that prayer is "Jesus Help!" Which has been a bit of a phrase for me today. The world will always be on fire in some way or another. That is just the nature of things. Yet Christ knew that and make it clear. You look though the history of the entire world you see things play out time and time again. What gives me my own hope though my struggles are the lives of the Saints who have gone before us. Some of them faced uphill climbs that make my difficulties seem minor. Living the faith as Catholic is not an easy road to travel on. When we look deeper into things, we see that was done on purpose. We are constantly tested to the point of nearly breaking. When we come out of that storm, we are exhausted and yet stronger for it. My faith in Christ has guided me though many of them.

I've had a rough day. Not the first time and won't be the last time. By the Grace of God, I am still standing. That counts for something.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Society of Violence

I'm sitting here with a lot on my mind. Which isn't anything that unusual if you know me to any degree. With all that I see and feel it allows me to put some focus on prayer. Even if it's just me having a conversation with God. 

The world by and large is a violent place. Our society has this nasty and rather unhealth obsession with it.  We (as a society) encourage it when something happens that we disagree with. A vile kind of extremism that both sides of any given debate will quietly endorse. The logic being is if X does Y even in the past then it is perfectly fine to threaten and intimidate here in the present. Making excuses and justifications as if this is something to be rewarded and celebrated. 

As world events unfold, I've been told more than a few times that the root of this evil is in fact religion. Given who I am this is something that I completely disagree with. Yet I cannot help but feel the anger and fear that exists in our world and the overall temptation to lash out. Such feelings are downright scary in the age when social media can dictate our desires and actions. 

In my own reflections on this I've come to accept that it is my faith in Christ that tempers me. With my focus on Christ, it keeps me grounded in what is truly important in this world. My passion and desire to serve Christ using the talents that God has given me. This desire allows me to put the events of the world into a perspective of clarity and understanding that only the Holy Spirit can give. 

Some are calling for violence. A Night of Rage that reminds me of even darker moments in the world history. My own goals for the evening will be to counter this violence with the peace that Christ gives to all of us. I know many of my fellow Christians will be doing the same. We know that violence is never a solution to a problem. No matter who is doing it. 

Social justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create. Saint John Paul II

May Christ bring peace to our violent obsessed society.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

When I'm Sitting Inside...


When I'm sitting inside the church. Doesn't really matter if it's Christ the Good Shepherd or even Mt. Zion. I find myself with a bit more peace than when I arrived. I am sitting before God (though the Eucharist) and I am able to leave everything behind that is troubling my spirit. It gives me a chance to let go of these worldly issues and put my heart for Christ.

How many times do we go to Mass with our troubles? Do we leave them at the foot of the Cross to allow God to do wonderful things. Or do we try and hold on to them? Trying to control the direction of things that are very much out of our control. These are the kinds of issues that I bring with me when I come to Mass. It is also one of the reasons why I desire to attend Mass as often as I can. Sitting inside the church brings about a small joy to my soul. Even when things are not going according to plan.

At that point, which parish I am at doesn't matter as much as the fact that it is a parish. A place of believers who feel the call of God in their hearts. We come together to give glory and thanks to God for all He does for us and all that He will do. That is one of the desires that all Catholics should have. A desire to make God a priority in our lives instead of the world demanding more of our attention. This was just something that kind of struck me as I was sitting during Mass.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Reflection June 1, 2022

 At the time of this reflection was written. The United States had seen two major "Mass shooting" events less than a week apart. A scary time for society as a whole. This is the reflection that came from that:

Pentecost is fast approaching, and more violence rocks our country. While we wait on our leaders to take meaningful action. The time for us is now to seek out the Holy Spirit. We really need it right now more than ever. We need the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide our leaders. That they would do what is right and just. Even if that is not going to win people over. Wisdom for everyone to decide that we are going to turn away from this culture of death we constantly live in. To the point that it has become some kind of deep obsession. Praying for those hearts would be changed to move closer to God and to really and honestly move into fully supporting a culture that promotes life. Even if that means giving up some of our society's most prized obsessions.

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