
Friday, March 13, 2020

Reflection 3-12 (2)

Rare or me to write more than one item in a day. However last night this was on my heart.

  I say this often. But it is something that I truly believe. "Surrender to Christ ALL things." Their have been many moments recently where this has become a reminder of that. The evil one will use every tool around to try and ruin our souls. The most vicious of ways to chip at the foundations of why we believe in Christ. We give into the fear, the anxiety, and the panic and we, for a moment, forget that God is with us always. We begin to second guess our own motivations for doing things because when we are afraid we react in ways we otherwise would not. Which is why we need to keep our faith in Christ as strong as we are able. It will temper that fear and allow us to not give into the panic. Let's face it. The world is a scary place. People and groups will use events to further their own agendas. Yet no matter what happens we must be reminded: Christ has already won the victory! He was the one who calmed seas. Surrender does not mean give up in the sense that we have failed. Surrender for me means putting total faith in Christ to give us the wisdom that can cut though the chaos of the world. To help ease the storms of panic, fear, and anxiety of world events. It is easy to give in to what the evil one wants: a total rejection of God. Yet when we "Surrender to Christ ALL things" we are also saying: Jesus I Trust In You! Amen?

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