
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

From The Desk: 3/23

Many people right now feel that any time we have some kind of crisis that is it in some way God's anger being given to us. I'm not sure that is the best way to look at things. Given all that is going on right now. While indeed in the old Testament God's anger was well known. Sending His only son, Jesus Christ, changed a lot of how the world looks at God and how He guides us. So instead of seeing this as God being angry. Perhaps we need to focus more on what we can do during any kind of crisis. We can use this to draw closer to God. We need to repent of our own sins for starters. To come before God with a contrite heart. If anything that these events do is that it does break our spirits down. It reminds us of how much we need God even in the good times of our lives. We must open up our hearts and truly embrace Christ. The more we look about the world the more we realize that we, as a society, have taken far too much for granted. For the most part we live a life of total convenience while at the same time we often look down on those who are not well off. Justifying our reasons for treating people poorly. By and large we do not treat people fairly on any level. So to have our life of convenience ripped from us. That is a true wake up call that something is not right with in our hearts. This is a time for us to pause, reflect, and above all else to pray with out ceasing! We must take the extra time to come before the Lord and seek out His profound wisdom for our lives. For the entire world right now. This is an epic trial. While it feels like all hope is lost. We must use this to our own spiritual advantage. So that when the storm passes we can become stronger. That we can do more to show mercy and compassion that Christ asked of us.

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