Believing in Christ is not as easy as it sounds. If anything it can be one of the most difficult journeys anyone can undertake. It requires a level of faith that is almost like the mountain in how strong it has to be. The challenges we face are not unlike the storms those mountains endure season after season. At times the ground becomes unstable and erodes away. Not unlike our faith during times of challenge. It is only normal for us to face that kind of doubt. To feel like God has abandoned us. Or worse to feel like the very church we believe in is full of evil people with no hope of any kind of redemption. That kind of doubt seeps into the soul and wears us away like the storms battering the mountain side until the entire cliff gives way. With in the Gospels their is no mention of the journey being an easy one. If anything it is often said the journey will be extremely difficult. We see that in our daily lives when their are moments when our faith is tested to the near breaking point. Often times leaving us questioning more than believing. Yet with in our moments of doubt. God is more than willing to listen to our prayers. For He is with us even when we cannot feel it. We all have our moments when we question our faith. However much like the storms the batter the mountains these can often be but a moment. Pray even in those moments. Pray for others who are also struggling. Be a light to those around you and a beacon of hope. So that way when the storms pass our faith will remain as strong as the mountains.
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