
Monday, November 6, 2017

Reflection 11-5

Another evening goes by and another attack takes place. Another moment for the various groups to fire up their banter and demand extreme change. Been following stuff unfolding on twitter and to be honest it didn't take long for the anti-religious groups to jump down on those of us who posted public prayers. Those who are anti-guns to demand radical changes to the existing laws. With some feeling that guns are the only problem. I can understand their frustration. It is easier to blame the weapon of choice instead of the darker truth that we are afraid to admit to ourselves: No new laws would have changed anything. The attack in New York proved that point. Evil will use what ever tools it can find to strike in our hearts. Doesn't always have to be a weapon in a conventional sense.

Perhaps the issues at play are not so much about the choice of the weapon. But rather the spiritual bankruptcy we have these days. Perhaps we have opened up the doors in our hearts to a darker evil and have not even fully realized it. In our daily lives. We blow off our commitment to Church because we don't see the benefits of it. We let petty disagreements distract us from Christ and we avoid going to Church because of it. We don't make time for God, for prayer, because things are going good in our lives. Think of it this way. When we have Christ in our life. When we embrace him fully. Evil cannot destroy our spirit. When we go out of our way to push Christ aside. Forcing prayer our of the public circle. Removing Crosses and such. We allow evil to enter into our hearts. Before we can change the nation. We must first change ourselves. To look deeply into our own hearts and realize that above all else we must seek Christ. To find that peace so we can give that light to those who need it most. People want to knock prayer. But doing that won't solve the problems. Showing mercy and compassion even when you disagree with them. Can open up the doors of peace with in us. So that we as a society can become better. To live as Christ would have us live. Though the road is by no means easy one.

Till next time.


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