
Friday, August 27, 2021

The Empty Church: Unrealized Need

This post highlights an issue I see with in the church. While for the most part my own needs have been taken care of. Not everyone has those same connections.

 Finding a ride to Mass can be a struggle for someone who does not drive. We get told all the time by those around us that we should make every effort to attend Mass only to find, that because of a lack of transportation, our options are limited at best. Bus service in many areas do not run on the weekends. More so in smaller cities or rural areas. While commercial ride sharing or cabs do exist. It may not be practical or could be cost prohibitive due to someone being on a fixed income such as SSI or Social Security. Many of us have reasons why we do not drive or own a car. Some of that is related to the daily challenges or disabilities that we content with. Which only adds to that frustration. Many of us who struggle to find rides have a deep desire to take part in the Mass. Yet we keep finding roadblocks in our path. 

If you do not have friends or family in the parish already. Attempting to establish the right kind of connections can be difficult. Just the simple act of asking someone for help can generate a high level of fear and anxiety. Those fears exist because many times in our lives we have to content with that out right rejection that sometimes comes. Or, even worse, total silence as the reply. It adds to that frustration because it fuels the feelings of being a burden or inconvenience on someone. We just simply do not know who we can ask that would be willing to offer us a ride so we can take part in the Mass. 

This issue of transportation is one that is often overlooked. Most don't even realize such a need exists in our parishes. Often times we are left fending for ourselves in trying to find that ride. Since in most parishes no real options exist. This is a combination of factors such as lack of over all funding, a lack of volunteers, or insurance issues that seem to make a basic spiritual need out of reach for some. A truly untapped way to evangelize that is really is needed. Even if that need does not seem out right apparent. While it may not be the intended result it does send the wrong message. That while the church is welcoming. It is not friendly to those who have no easy way to get to Mass. If we, as a parish community, want to be a truly welcoming place. Then every effort should be made to help those who have limited resources be able to attend Mass in person. So that way those who do not drive know who they can rely on. -JM

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