
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

From The Desk: 4-29

Reading though social media can be an epic level dumpster fire at times. More so when it comes to people who get into endless debates over various things going on with in the Church. Some people only see the negative things going on and refuse to accept anything good is going on. They want to see God's wrath and judgement and will use every Bible verse and Catholic tradition to justify their view and any one that runs counter to that might as well be a heretic. It becomes endless cycle of doom and gloom to the point that you can tell the person it's sunny out and they will still tell you it is raining.

No where in the Bible did Christ tell us the road would be an easy one to travel. Even for those that stayed with Christ though Pentecost and after the road was filled with danger. Even in the early days of the Church the road was not easy. It never was meant to be easy. Sure we have had times of calm. But looking though our history we have had just as many times of storm. Yet the common thread in all of it is the believers never gave up hope. They did not always get to the point where all they see is bad things. They also focused on what is good and holy before the eyes of our God. Above all else they did not see everything as doom and gloom. Instead they put a total trust in God. Their faith in Jesus Christ is a lasting reminder of that trust. It is way too easy to see what is wrong in the Church. But despite what people think. It's not all bad. If we want proof of this? Look though our history. Look at the lives of the Saints. Each generation had to face some kind of storm. This one is ours. Surrender to Christ all that troubles us. Surrender to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit who guides us. Surrender and give Glory to God the Father. Though Him all is possible. Focus on that and not give into the darkness on social media. Amen?

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